I can`t Search, I think Sharepoint server search`s errorstoping is cause


My english have many error, please understand.

I can`t Using Sharepoint Search since yesterday.

If if try to search, can`t find anything.

Sharepoint server search`s state is errorstoping, i think maybe it is cause of problem.

So i thought can solve this problem by Stop the Sharepoint Server Search and Start.

But if i click the stop of Sharepint Server Search, Do not stop Sharepoint Server Search. just Change(move) sitepage to Server service application.

So what i want to say is, I Can`t Stop Sharepoint Server Search, and start.

I searched internet.

I executed Sharepoint2013 managedShall and punched in Get-SPEnterpriseSearchService

I Got GUID of Sharepoint Server Search, Next I punched in Stop-SPServiceInstance GUID(9af9a2e8- - - -)

But...return error message "Object not found"

I want know cause, Why can`t Search suddenly.

If SharepointServerSearch is not cause of problem, please teach me cuase and solution.

I know lack my explanation, but if you understood this problem. please help me.


October 2nd, 2013 6:14am


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October 3rd, 2013 6:25am

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